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Understanding a Drop in Your Credit Score
Question from Sickofcredit: Hi, If my metrics of my credit score are rated as following: -Payment history – excellent -oldest credit like (3yrs) – average -credit usage (0%) – excellent -recent inquiries (11 within the past 2 yrs) – below average -new accounts (3 within the last two yrs) – good -available credit (0) –…
Optimizing Credit Card Balances for a Better Score
Question from Femme_Mobsters: how much money should i keep on each of my three credit cards of 700, 300 and 300 in order to raise my credit score faster and stay under the 30% factor to avoid negative scores? Hello! Managing your credit card balances wisely is a key step towards improving your credit score.…
How Can I Improve My Credit Score?
Question from Ryan: How can I improve my credit score? Improving your credit score is a crucial step towards financial health and can make it easier to borrow money, secure loans with better terms, and reduce your overall borrowing costs. Here are some widely-accepted practices and guidelines to help you on your journey to a…